Globalisation & Maori
Edward Goldsmith explains the corporate takeover
of governments and the global centralised planning being orchestrated by
multinationals through the World Trade Organisation (WTO)
Littlewood Treaty ~ Treaty of Waitangi ~ History of New Zealand
The True Story of the Treaty of Waitangi 'Te Tiriti o Waitangi'. What really happened in the History of New Zealand Aotearoa. Explaining the Littlewood Document being the Final English Draft of the Treaty found in 1989. The fabricated 'Principles' that Geoffrey Palmer created to alter the meaning and interpretation of our Treaty so that Massive Maori Claims could take place and how the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975 affects us all today
(Click image to view or click here for Youtube)
Constitution Alert NZ
Exposing the Agenda behind New Zealand's Constitution review, Agenda 21, collaboration of Activists, Marxists, Revisionists and Corrupt politicians with the Globalist New World Order. Adapted from "Divide & Rule" for Youtube. available for FREE DOWNLOAD at NZ Land Grab!!! – Agenda 21
The Beautiful Historic City of Christchurch New Zealand is being swindled in a Global Attack through the United Nations 'Agenda 21' (New World Order!) The NZ Government, Local Councils through the
international ICLEI, CCP NZ & Covenant of Mayors. RMA (Resource Management