Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Sustainable Development, Smart Meters & Technocracy

Watch this highly researched and shocking explanation of SMART Meters and how they fit into Technocracy to totally control people. Patrick Wood explains at the 2011 Eagle Forum Conference in Santa Rosa, CA. [8-27-11]

Thursday, 18 October 2012

The Take down of Australia

The Takedown of Australia!
Australia's implementation of Agenda 21 exceeds that of all other common law countries. The citizens of Queensland, Australia have had their property rights stripped so to advance the globalist political agenda. Read how the State of Queensland is now removed from the protections of the Australian Constitution. A privately owned state corporation now owns and controls all land-use activity in Queensland. This horrific experience is destroying the life and culture of those living there and provides a prototype example of what public/private partnership really means. click to read more...

This powerful document was produced by Sue and Lindsay Maynes and the EnviroWild Team of Australia.

NZ Constitution & Agenda 21

Constitution Alert NZ - Agenda 21 - Treaty of Waitangi

Exposing the Agenda behind New Zealand's Constitution review, Agenda 21, collaboration of Activists, Marxists, Revisionists and Corrupt Politicians with the Globalist New World Order. Adapted From "Divide & Rule" for Youtube. available for FREE DOWNLOAD at:

Christchurch NZ Land Grab!!! ~ Agenda 21

Christchurch NZ Land Grab!!! ~ Agenda 21

The Beautiful Historic City of Christchurch New Zealand is being swindled in a Global Attack through the United Nations 'Agenda 21' (New World Order!) The NZ Government, Local Councils through the international ICLEI, CCP NZ & Covenant of Mayors. RMA (Resource Management Act) 

Sustainable Development


Philosophy of Rights